First and foremost, I must say mother nature is right on cue, it has started snowing outside... I can see flurries through my window which probably means we will have a white Christmas. I don't know whether I should be excited or dread the awful winters to come that make Canada what it is. Anyway, I had an appointment with my Radiation Oncologist today. We went over again the side effects and what to expect once treatment starts. By now you all know each treatment has its advantages as well as pitfalls. After our conversation he sent me to the radiation department where I met with the radiation therapists to begin moulding the mask you see on the left. That is the tailor made radiation simulation mask that will be used for my radiation treatment. No, its not a painful process. Before you know it its over. You just lie down under the donut machine while they do their thing.
So the process is called radiation simulation. It involves making a mask that will fit over my face and neck and will be bolted to the table during each radiation treatment. The purpose of the mask is ensure my head stays in position during treatment while at the same time protecting my other body parts from irradiation since radiation is targeted therapy. Meaning the radiation is focused on the spot where the tumours where identified. Radiation is supposed to kill or slow the growth of cancer cells.Everything including my treatment schedule will be finalized in liaison with my Oncologist and hopefully I should be looking at starting treatment in about 10 days. Stay tuned......
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