You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.

Monday, January 9, 2012

I Could Not Have Done this Without Y'all!

As I mark this major milestone, I just want to take this grandiose opportunity to thank y'all for your love and support during this long and challenging but enlightening journey which began 9 months ago - almost a year to be exact. I am humbled by your thoughtfulness and generosity during this very trying time of my life.

I remember vividly the dark moments when I didn't think I would see tomorrow. Those days I bargained with God. I made all sorts of promises... I am not ashamed that I did because it simply means that I am only human.  In retrospect, it does seem disrespectful but what the heck, I must confess, in my time of crisis, I did try to make desperate deals with God. I forgot that God does not need to be persuaded to be kind or merciful. During those days, I felt like I was walking in this very dark tunnel with no silver lining in near sight.

It is your kind words, emails, cards phone calls, visits and prayers that kept me afloat. I cannot forget the rides to the hospital... I felt the love and felt so lifted up in ways I cannot describe.  I feel so blessed to be part of this big global village that carried me through this journey. You all rallied around me igniting in me such an indomitable will that I never thought I had. For that I am forever grateful! You gave me strength when I felt weak and you gave me hope instead of letting me wallow in self pity and defeat. You were all there cheering me on and reminding me that I was strong and I could do this and I did. It sounded so unimaginable then, but I truly admit, it is what helped me stay afloat especially those times when I felt like giving up.

You gave me reason to keep fighting. You touched my hand and I could sure touch the sky. I am grateful that you helped me see the best that is in me. Thank you for all the gentle pushes...Your support is what allowed me to stay strong even when I felt weak. I could never have made it through this cancer journey without y'all. I am eternally grateful for every single thing big and small.

Even though this cancer left my life shattered in pieces, I will put them back together as I redefine my life course. Cancer has indeed changed my life in every single way. I have talked about this before how cancer has taught me to live in the now. Going forward, I am learning to slow down and really experience life and the world around me. I am looking forward to walking this continuous road with you because I still believe its not a road one can walk alone.


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