You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Its no news I have become Neurotic! No, I am just Obsessively Self-Aware

First off, I just want to give a shout out to Hazvineyi Kadiyole my lovely niece from Indiana, US. Thanks for talking me out of bed today. You are so funny, you always make me laugh. Bravo! you brought the funny bone today.  You made me start appreciating and thinking about what is more important in life - the abundant love surrounding me! After laughing so much and coughing you made my day. I love you babe! Its the unconditional love surrounding me from both local and abroad that helps me stay motivated even when I feel like I am on the reality television show that I love so much, "The Amazing Race" and I encounter an insurmountable life road block. You make me realize that even though life has a way of throwing road blocks in our paths, we have to understand that they are temporary and the best solution is to find ways to navigate around them and stay on track. You are all helping me stay on track as I re-write my not so perfect life script. You are my anchors in the midst of a raging storm. To everyone sending me all the lovely and comforting messages, I feel so humbled by the out-pour of love! I love y'all from the bottom of my heart. It is all your love that still makes my world go round, inspires me every single day and touches the core of my heart. You know how they say, in this world the best and most beautiful things cannot be seen or touched, but can be felt deep down in the heart. I feel your love deep inside my heart. Thank y'all for giving me the triumph I so much need. Now that Hazvineyi managed to convince me to get up and fight a good fight, I am up and ready to pound, I know this will come as a big shock to everyone. Yeah, let me have your undivided attention y'all!

I have become neurotic ever since this whole cancer journey progressed and all the talk with the Oncolologist about how infection can make me go down hill in a flash granted, this cancer is attacking my lymphatic system and my white blood cells that are supposed to fight infection. Remember, the lymphatic system as part of the immune system consist of a network of vessels that carry lymphocytes supposed to recognize and destroy infections? For now this infection fighting mechanism or kind of engine has been rendered potentially useless by the Hodgkin's.  Who would not panic? Suddenly, I feel like there is bacteria or germs everywhere. As if this freaky neurotic state I am in is not doing enough damage to my psyche, I did the unthinkable, I threw caution to the wind and watched the movie, "Contagion". This movie inspires panic and fear giving you a disturbing unease. If you have not watched this movie I suggest you do then you can understand what I am talking about. I know, I should not have watched it but I did and have to live with that irresponsible decision. Did you know the average person touches their face 2 or 3,000 times a day? That is an average of 2 or 3 times of every working minute. Now imagine how much bacteria can be spread in just a day?  Seriously, what was I thinking? My sense of cleanliness is heightened to unreasonable proportions. Now, I am walking around on eggshells like a neurotic ass thinking there is bacteria or germs everywhere. Or am I becoming what they call a germaphobe? Seriously, its becoming more of an obsession with germs and dirt than anything else. I know I have always liked my environment clean but this is just too much.When the kitchen is messy and dishes not washed or the house is not clean, I go into a frenzy and do not want to be anywhere near the dirt. In my head, I feel like throwing everything down the garbage chute.

Now, I move with disinfecting wipes to constantly clean any toilet seat before I use it and purell to constantly clean my hands. I cannot even flash any toilet with my hands. I have developed an aversion for touching door knobs. And my hands, I wash them constantly like a serious germophobe. I am afraid to go on public transit  in case someone sneezes or coughs at me, I refuse to shake hands and I do not want to be hugged. I am wearing these gloves when I go out which make me look like a real neurotic and absolutely ridiculous. If Anderson Cooper sees me he will definitely place me on his CNN "The RidicuList". The only thing I am missing right now is a mask. But, hey, I am not apologizing for this unusual emotional bump because like always, I believe emotions are the most honest part of any human being. So, this past week, Tapfuma came home from school with a fever and a sore throat. I freaked out and sent him to a walk in clinic where they confirmed it was a strep throat and placed him on an antibiotic. By Saturday, the strep throat had progressed into a horrible cold. He was coughing, sneezing, huffing and buffing. Oh, my poor baby, I could not hug him or go near him at all and it felt so awful. I spent most of the weekend in isolation. This is because my baby Tapfuma was sick (he does not want under any circumstance to be referred to as a baby because he is turning 18 in a couple of days). What this means is that this past weekend until now, I have been on self-imposed lock down. I am in isolation in the confines of my bedroom. Sounds crazy but I cannot afford to catch any cold or flu otherwise my scheduled chemo in two weeks would be delayed.

Well, I am sitting here and I am thinking, cancer is changing me in many different ways and I am thinking, Is this the Theory of Conscious versus Unconscious mind made popular by Sigmund Freud?  Who knows, maybe this is the unconscious Sigmund Freud extensively researched and proved that it motivates us to do such neurotic stuff that other people may find reprehensible or deserving rebuke.. I think I am suffering from that kind of fear described by Freud, a kind of fear that leaves you feeling overwhelmed by impulses from the brain. If its not one thing its another. Just hold onto your seats people because this journey will be interesting. According to Freud, these feelings I am experiencing are called neurotic anxiety; where one feels like they are losing their mind or rationality. Wow! that was a good rationalization for my unusual behaviour which is definitely below conscious perception which I presume will get worse as the chemo journey becomes a reality. With that said, I urge you to stay tuned as always.....

1 comment:

  1. Love reading your posts, Dorothee. And I get the bit about how watching a film can push a reasonable obsession over the brink. Yes, our psychology is so sensitive, isn't it.
    I can't resist sharing an experience over the last weekend, hoping it brings a smile to your face.
    I was at the Queen West Art Crawl last weekend, minding Marzena's booth. And I had a real laugh watching all the parents and pet owners struggling to keep their kids and dogs from putting various things in their mouths. Of course, it was a hopeless attempt, but so funny to watch - parent or owner reaching frantically to intercept, while baby or dog very happily went about tasting the world! And I guess the affect was the opposite of that produced by your film choice. Parents and guardians couldn't possibly provide the protection they wanted to, so nature provided the rest.
    And here's praying that your own immune system gets back to doing what it's supposed to do, so you can get your hugs again!
