Here are some Dont's!
1. Don't say..let me know if there is anything I can do...I hate that..it puts the pressure on me to decide what you can do. Just be a friend..
2. Don't take the anger that may come personally, people who have cancer and are undergoing chemo have a right to be angry. I am just trying to keep exclusive control of my emotions.
3. Don't ignore me..yes sadly I have had a friend do this.. Guess cancer makes some people uncomfortable..good thing they dont have it!
4. Don't ask me about my hair..Its chemo..and you have eyes..and do not email someone going through chemo to ask.."are you worried about losing your hair"? Are you kidding? Im worried I have cancer..
5. "Don't give up"...Ok I'm going through chemo..taking tons of meds..getting tests, etc..does that shout I'm giving up??
6. Don't do the head tilt! You know I say I have cancer and you tilt your head and say ooh....
7. Don't tell me I look great. I have a mirror.
8. I know how old I am so please don't say "but you're so young"
9. Don't tell me stories of people that you know that have had my cancer and died and then say "but don't worry you're going to beat it"
10. Remember I can see your facial expressions. Think about this before you react to what I am telling you.
11. Don't give me the poor you! face while I am getting chemo.
12. It's ok to hug me. I won't break. In fact, I need it.
13. Everything revolves around cancer, call me and ask if I watched Desperate Housewives before you ask how I'm feeling.
15. Don't say you are sorry, please! You did not give me cancer!
16. Don't do the bickering with me its not the right time and I am feeling so exhausted!
Here is What you can do:
1. Be a friend..let me know you love me..and are thinking about me..
2.Do listen and hear what they have to say or how they feel, many times it is best to keep your mouth shut and your heart open.
3. Offer a ride to or from chemo..
4. Sit with me during chemo cause it does get lonely..and thats when we need support. (ask first though..some people prefer to be alone).
5. Let your friend know you are there for them..no matter what..offer to do things..and stick to it..
6. If your friend with cancer has children..offer to babysit..even an hour can do wonders..
7. No body will ever turn down food..Chemo days..and the days after, you won't have the energy to cook for your family..its nice if you don't have too..
8. When you are better and you kick cancers ass...gather your friends...and celebrate and let them know how vital they were to your well being..and that you love them...
9.Oh yes...Fuck cancer...
Oh my lovely friend, you are kickass! This is a great list. I can't wait to see you again in December when I come home for the holidays :D I should bake you a pie, I am good at pies. xoxo