Aarrrggghhh!!!! where is the light at the end of this dark tunnel? Today is my crappy day. I woke up feeling so sick, after taking my temperature which I am supposed to monitor religiously I noticed that I had a fever of 38 degrees celsius. That freaked me out. I thought I am not supposed to feel these side effects so soon! My whole body was hurting my chest was hurting and I felt like it was on fire. I figured Oh! no! I was going to catch a cold. If I had a choice, I would not have left my bed at all. But, today I had to go for the Gallium scan part two. As I lay there under this huge doughnut machine, I closed my eyes to distract myself but it did not work. Anyway, the scan is a simple one but for me it felt like a monumental task given the way I was feeling. Did I mention they ask you to place your hands on your side then they wrap you up in a kind of like a straight jacket with tight velcro grips. And another velcro tight wrap is placed round your head to help you stay still. I thought what the heck! This looks someone going under the guillotine. Yeah, my brain runs wild like that sometimes. Oh well, I did let them know though that this was really creepy and can give a major anxiety attack. And they admitted I was not the first to say this but this test was important because it was part of Staging. I thought thanks for the reminder that I have cancer and I need this creepy scan. When I got home, I was feeling really really sick, my chest was tight and my whole body was hurting and I was feeling chills coupled with severe stomach cramps. I took my temperature again and noticed that I still had a fever - now it was 38.2 degrees celsius but there was no way I was going to an emergency - I was just too tired and too sick to even manage that. And who wants to be at the hospital at thanksgiving weekend. Not that I have anything planned. I may be sick but I am still thankful for many things in my life. I slept throughout the day and that seemed to help. However, when I woke up my chest was still hurting and I suddenly felt this burning sensation in my mouth - my tongue felt like it was on fire and painful to even open it. I threw up the soup that I had taken earlier and aargghh! I have not eaten in two days now. - just drinking lots of iced water. I feel so horrible! Tapfuma came home from school and he went and bought some baking soda. He made a solution and mixed it with salt which gave me temporary relief after swishing it in my mouth. Will continue to monitor the fever and the mouth sores. If the fever and the burning in my mouth continues I will go to the emergency. Until then... I need to go back to sleep and get some more rest.

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